You Don’t Oppose The Butchery In Gaza Because You Are A Lefty Or A Commie Or An Anarchist Or An Anti-Imperialist. You Simply Oppose The Butchery In Gaza Because You Are Not A Psychopath.

You would not oppose the butchery in Gaza because you love Hamas or hate Jews or love Islam or hate America.

You would not oppose the butchery in Gaza because you are a lefty or a commie or an anarchist or an anti-imperialist.

You simply oppose the butchery in Gaza because you are not a crazy psychopath.

Opposing Israel’s butchery in Gaza is so obvious, so common sense, such a bare-minimum, fundamental-level, Being Human 101 position that if it isn’t immediately self-evident to you after learning the basic facts, your problem is much, much deeper than whatever ideology or bias or prejudice you might happen to have. There’s something wrong with you as a person.

If you support Israel’s butchery in Gaza, you’ve got much bigger problems than merely not having the correct ist or ism belief system. You’re just all screwed up inside. Your conditioning has made you into a generally bad human being. You have deep and immensely consequential flaws in your character, and you won’t mature as a person until you heal and transcend them.

Opposing Israel’s atrocities in Gaza doesn’t make you a good person, it just makes you a normal person — and supporting Israel’s atrocities in Gaza makes you a bad person. Nobody gets any points for opposing an active genocide; that’s just the basic, bare-minimum requirement for a normal human being with a functioning empathy center in their brain. If you can’t meet that basic, bare-minimum standard, you deserve to be viewed with suspicion and disdain, and anyone in your personal life who cares about truth, morality and humanity should seriously reassess their relationship with you.

One reason the empire is losing young people is because the imperial status quo has given them no investment in it. They’ll never own property. They can’t support a family or retire. They’ve been given no reason not to want to rock the political boat. So they’re rocking it.

The only vested interest young people have left is an interest in breathable air and a livable planet, and the possibility of a future that isn’t intolerably dystopian. All of which are diametrically opposed to the interests and trajectory of the status quo politics of the western empire.

So they’re going for it. They’re beginning to see that there’s no reason for them not to plunge headlong into a push for real change, in direct opposition to the mainstream politics of our time. Like Bob Dylan said, when you got nothing you got nothing to lose.

One of the many things that’s beautiful about this particular protest movement is that these young people aren’t protesting a war that they could get drafted in or could harm their personal interests in any way. They’re opposing something cruel and evil solely out of compassion.

One Palestinian life is worth more than every college campus window in the world.

If you’re wondering why you’re suddenly seeing the word “radicalizing” a lot in mainstream politics and media, it’s because that’s the big scary boogieman the empire plans on using to justify stomping out the burgeoning antiwar movement it created with its atrocities in Gaza.

Israeli police raided Al Jazeera’s office after the Israeli cabinet voted to shut down the broadcasts of the Qatari media outlet on Sunday. The west is protecting freedom and democracy by stomping out its own freedom and democracy to assist the genocidal atrocities of a nation that is also stomping out freedom and democracy.

Republicans pretend to fiercely oppose Biden, but when it comes to issues that really matter like the president encouraging violent police crackdowns against people protesting his actions they’re in furious agreement, even saying he didn’t go far enough. They’re on the same side as always.


In Evil Autocracies The Leaders Commit Genocide For Hateful And Racist Reasons, Whereas In Free Democracies The Leaders Commit Genocide For Noble And Righteous Reasons.

We’re always hearing international conflicts framed as a battle between Free Democracies and Evil Autocracies. What is the difference between a Free Democracy and an Evil Autocracy? Well, let’s look at the situation in Gaza to help us understand the distinction.

In Evil Autocracies the leaders commit genocide for hateful and racist reasons, whereas in Free Democracies the leaders commit genocide for noble and righteous reasons.

In Evil Autocracies the police are summoned to break up student protests in order to ensure the safety of the government, whereas in Free Democracies the police are summoned to break up student protests in order to ensure the safety of the students.

In Evil Autocracies the government monitors political speech on university campuses to suppress dissent, whereas in Free Democracies the government monitors political speech on university campuses to suppress “antisemitism”.

In Evil Autocracies the government controls the media and ensures that it only reports information which serves their interests, whereas in Free Democracies it is billionaires who do this.

In Evil Autocracies they imprison journalists who report inconvenient facts, whereas in Free Democracies they do this also, but mostly they just kill them with airstrikes.

In Evil Autocracies they massacre civilians with bullets and blades, whereas in Free Democracies they massacre civilians with military explosives and siege warfare, like civilized people.

In Evil Autocracies political speech is heavily restricted by the government, whereas in Free Democracies political speech is heavily restricted by Silicon Valley in collaboration with the government.

In Evil Autocracies they mow down disobedient civilians and bury them in mass graves, whereas in Free Democracies they mow down disobedient civilians and bury them in mass graves, and then their allies solemnly say they’re waiting for more information about these very serious allegations.

In Evil Autocracies they bomb hospitals, schools and religious centers, assassinate cultural leaders and journalists, and deliberately target civilian infrastructure in the name of inflicting death and terror, whereas in Free Democracies they bomb hospitals, schools and religious centers, assassinate cultural leaders and journalists, and deliberately target civilian infrastructure in the name of self-defense.

In Evil Autocracies they flagrantly disregard international law, whereas in Free Democracies they flagrantly disregard international law.

In Evil Autocracies they drop bombs on areas full of civilians because of genocidal bloodlust, whereas in Free Democracies they drop bombs on areas full of civilians because of “human shields”.

In Evil Autocracies you’ll get thrown in prison if you go on TV and speak out against the government, whereas in Free Democracies nobody who would speak out against the government is ever allowed to have a TV job.

In Evil Autocracies people are afraid to speak out against war crimes, injustice and oppression because they’ll be punished, whereas in Free Democracies people are afraid to speak out against war crimes, injustice and oppression because they’ll be accused of hating Jews.

In Evil Autocracies they arm terrorists with AK-47s and RPGs to help them inflict violence and suffering upon the innocent, whereas in Free Democracies they arm terrorists with war planes and 2,000-pound bombs to help them inflict violence and suffering upon the innocent.

In Evil Autocracies people are kept too brutalized and cowed to rise up against their rulers, whereas in Free Democracies people are kept too propagandized and indoctrinated to rise up against their rulers.

In Evil Autocracies the media feed the public a nonstop deluge of propaganda and people know it’s propaganda, whereas in Free Democracies the media feed the public a nonstop deluge of propaganda and people think it’s the news.


College Students Should Not Be Solely Responsible For Standing Against This Genocide,  It Is Ours As Well. Each And Every One Of Us Is Responsible For Doing Everything We Can To End This Horror.

One might think one of the reasons it took so long for student protests against the Gaza genocide to kick into high gear in America might be because it took some time for the collective realization to dawn that nobody in charge is interested in ending this nightmare.

If Trump had won in 2020, it may not have taken so long for this to occur. Progressive-minded students would have understood from the beginning that the president is an immoral Israel-coddling imperialist, and we may have been seeing these campus protests that are freaking out the empire managers today a lot sooner.

But because it was Biden and not Trump, there was this background assumption that surely the grownups in charge would take care of this thing. Surely they won’t let this go on for very long. Surely they’re just walking a careful diplomatic line while negotiating a ceasefire in the near term, as any government that cares one iota about human rights would be doing.

It took half a year for that illusion to be dispelled. Half a year for people to really start going, “Oh shit. They’re really just going to keep these atrocities going. Nobody in charge cares about stopping this.”

It took half a year to see that nobody in the White House is going to save Gaza, none of their elected lawmakers on Capitol Hill are going to save Gaza, nobody anywhere in their government is going to save Gaza — not even the ordinary members of the public in the older generations are going to save Gaza.

It took half a year to see that the responsibility for ending an active genocide had been passed all the way down to a bunch of wide-eyed college kids.

Which would of course be a horrifying thing to realize, and would in fact be a profoundly jarring indictment of our entire civilization. But that is indeed what has happened. And you can see how it would take some time for young people to come to understand and process such a thing.

And to be clear, no part of this should be accepted by anyone. The fact that nobody in the world’s most powerful government is taking any responsibility for ending the continual mass atrocity in Gaza proves that government does not deserve to exist, and that it needs to be completely dismantled from top to bottom — including and especially the unelected aspects of that government which are not officially acknowledged. The fact that it has fallen to a bunch of university students to begin causing any meaningful problems for this genocidal regime is obscene, and should never have happened.

Those university students should not be responsible for standing against this genocide, and in truth the responsibility is NOT all theirs — it is ours as well. Each and every one of us are responsible for doing everything we can to end this horror.

None of us can end it single-handedly, but we can all do something every day to help end it collectively. The machine is far too big and powerful for any one person to deal it a fatal blow, but we can all throw sand in its gears to make it harder and harder for it to continue.

We can do this by making our opposition known in every way possible, and by drawing public awareness to the sadistic savagery that’s being perpetrated in Israel with the help of its western allies we live under. Using any medium and platform we can make use of, we can help people understand the ways the imperial media have been manipulating public understanding of this genocide and minimizing their own government’s responsibility for it so that they can really understand the severity and urgency of this issue.

The American empire is heavily dependent on soft power, which means it needs to maintain a good public image in order to continue functioning — that’s what all the mass media propaganda, Silicon Valley information control, and mainstream culture manufacturing in New York and Hollywood is all about. If enough people start working to destroy the empire’s public image by spreading awareness of its depravity in Gaza, it will be forced to retreat or risk losing the credibility of the soft power manipulation systems it has put so much energy into maintaining over the years.

All positive changes in human behavior of any scale are always preceded by an expansion of consciousness. By spreading consciousness throughout our society about what’s happening in Gaza, we throw sand in the gears of the imperial murder machine and make it harder and harder for it to keep rolling forward. And it is our responsibility to do exactly that, in every way we can.

This world is so sick because nobody takes responsibility for the things that are happening in it. The rich and powerful shore up more and more wealth and power while offloading the responsibility for it onto others. They destroy the biosphere while offloading the consequences onto ordinary people, while telling us we just need to ride our bikes more and consume less in order to fix the problem. They start wars and back genocides abroad while refusing to provide for the needful at home, and if you complain they tell you you just need to vote harder next election. They take all of the power and none of the responsibility.

We can’t have a healthy world until we reverse this dynamic, and like all matters concerning responsibility that means it begins with the face in the mirror. We all need to step up to the plate and take responsibility for turning this catastrophe around, and in 2024 that means starting with the genocide our own governments are actively facilitating.


Stopping The Slaughter In Gaza Is More Important Than Your Feelings. Your Feelings Don’t Really Matter These Days.

Stopping the slaughter in Gaza is more important than playing along with the persecution-LARPing of Zionist university students.

Stopping the slaughter in Gaza is more important than some privileged Ivy Leaguers pretending to feel “unsafe” or “unwelcome” on campus.

Stopping the slaughter in Gaza is more important than whatever you’re pretending to believe “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” means.

Stopping the slaughter in Gaza is more important than making sure everyone says all the right words and condemns Hamas with sufficient fervor.

Stopping the slaughter in Gaza is more important than making sure Joe Biden maintains enough support to win re-election.

Stopping the slaughter in Gaza is more important than performing all kinds of mental contortions and prostrations while talking about Israel’s criminality to avoid offending people who make everything about themselves.

Stopping the slaughter in Gaza is more important than helping you avoid the uncomfortable cognitive dissonance incurred by the contradictions between your stated value system and the genocidal murderousness and cruelty of apartheid Israel.

Your feelings are not more important than Palestinian lives.

Your feelings are not more important than Palestinian displacement.

Your feelings are not even more important than Palestinian feelings.

Your feelings are not important. Stopping the ethnic cleansing and genocide of the people of Gaza is important.

It is a symptom of the cancerousness of western civilization that there are people living their whole lives under the entirely unquestioned assumption that their feelings are so important that it is fine and normal to expect that a limitless number of impoverished foreigners may be killed without any opposition whatsoever in order to promote the interests of their favorite ethnostate, and that anyone who does oppose it is persecuting them.

It is a symptom of how diseased our entire society has become that people are so narcissistic that they now perceive anti-genocide demonstrations on university campuses as a direct attack against them and their identity, and will use any amount of spin and mental contortion to make this seem true.

It is a symptom of the dire need to dismantle the entire western empire that a mainstream narrative structure exists in our society which says opposing a genocide is a far more egregious offense than committing one.

It is a symptom of the dire need for radical revolutionary changes in this civilization that western political systems are urgently discussing the need to stomp out protests against a genocide at university campuses under the pretense of protecting people’s feelings.

Don’t protect people’s feelings. Stop the genocide in Gaza.

People’s feelings should be uncomfortable when a genocide is happening.

People should be experiencing uncomfortable cognitive dissonance and shame when their innately unjust worldview is being completely discredited in front of everyone.

None of us should be feeling comfortable with any of this. We should be feeling very, very uncomfortable, and letting that discomfort drive us to end this nightmare forever.


That’s How Crazy They Need Us To Be To Keep Us Supporting A Globe-Spanning Empire That Literally Cannot Exist Without Nonstop Violence And Tyranny.

All the frenzied shrieking about pro-Palestine protests at universities these last few days makes it clear that our civilization is so twisted and insane that it sees protesting a genocide as far worse than committing one. Which is about as backwards as any society could possibly be.

Seriously, try to imagine a crazier, more upside-down civilization than one which gets more angry at people protesting genocidal atrocities than it does at people committing them. A civilization where people wear their pants on their head and walk backwards all day? That would be less crazy. A civilization where the dogs own the people and the children go to work while the parents go to school? That would be less crazy.

It’s as wrong as you can possibly get anything in this world. It’s actually hard to imagine how anyone could get anything more wrong. If you’ve accepted daily massacres of innocent civilians as the baseline normal and appropriate thing, and regard any opposition to this as a freakish and evil abomination, then you’re as screwed up and confused about reality as any other stark raving lunatic in town. Maybe worse.

To view nonstop mass military slaughter as moral and opposition thereto as immoral is to live in a mental moral universe that has been flipped on its head. It’s to inhabit a reality tunnel that has become completely divorced from reality. But that’s the kind of mainstream worldview that the political-media class in this society are working to indoctrinate us into day in and day out throughout our entire lives.

We just saw a tweet from the commentator Briahna Joy Gray saying that in order to find any mention in The New York Times of the hundreds of Palestinians in mass graves that are being discovered in Gaza, she had to scroll past no fewer than four stories about pro-Palestine protests on college campuses — including two op-eds which criticized the protesters.

What kind of warped, screwed up dystopia is this where that’s the kind of mainstream news outlet people are getting their information and ideas from? Our entire civilization is saturated with reality-distorting propaganda like this, and it’s making people insane. It’s got our moral compasses flipped 180 degrees from our true north, and our inner sensemaker tuning in to frequencies of nothing but garbled static.

That’s how crazy they need us to be to keep us supporting a globe-spanning empire that literally cannot exist without nonstop violence and tyranny. They need us thinking up is down and black is white. They need us not just unable to tell the difference between right and wrong, but actually believing that wrong is right and right is wrong. So they pound our collective consciousness day in and day out with extremely aggressive psyops in the form of mass media propaganda to ensure that our insides are scrambled around enough to consent to the amount of depravity necessary for our rulers to continue dominating this planet.

This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal, as Aaron Bushnell said moments before lighting himself on fire in protest of the genocide in Gaza. A society where mass graves get less media attention than university protesters. A society where more political firepower is going into stopping pro-Palestine demonstrations on college campuses than ending Israel’s murderous assault on an enclosed enclave packed full of children. A society where trying to stop a genocide is considered evil, and committing one is considered good.


One Reason They’ve Created A Controversy Over Student Protests Because They Want You To Think About Anything Other Than Israel’s Genocide In Gaza.

To understand the current headline-dominating furor over the protests taking place on college campuses against the war in Gaza, think about the death toll of each. As of the time of writing, more than thirty-four thousand Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli military in Gaza, almost certainly a massive undercount. On American campuses, that figure is zero.

It’s this cosmically vast discrepancy in terms of “harm” and “safety” that more than anything explains the absurd and ongoing freakout over college students protesting the war on Gaza — one that would be laughable if it weren’t so menacing.

Columbia University administrators have been hauled before Congress and pressured to crack down on faculty and students over their speech. The Anti-Defamation League’s Jonathan Greenblatt has called for the National Guard to be sicced on protesters at Columbia — one of several figures to do so, including several American senators — knowing full well that the last time that happened, at Kent State in 1970, four students were killed. Supporters of Israel’s war, including the Israeli government itself, have hysterically labeled the protests — overwhelmingly comprised of students sitting in place and talking, sometimes dancing, often featuring large numbers of Jewish students — “terrorism,” “pogroms,” “riots,” and “mobs” seeking to destroy the country and that have led Jews to flee its borders.

One particularly histrionic war supporter has claimed in the Times of Israel that what’s happening on campuses “is 1938,” meaning Kristallnacht, when Nazis rampaged through Jewish neighborhoods lynching people and destroying homes, places of worship, and businesses. The result has been a wave of repression on campuses, with universities calling local police to arrest and detain their own students and faculty, many of them Jewish, for the crime of physically being on their own schools’ campuses, ending in-person classes, and barring them from physically returning, to the point of even erecting plywood barricades.

Meanwhile, what has been happening over in Gaza during this same week, as student protesters were being vilified and arrested for trying to make Israel’s military campaign in the territory end?

At Nasser hospital in Khan Younis, Palestinians have uncovered a series of mass graves that have revealed more than three hundred dead Palestinians and counting, some of them with their hands tied, while a different mass grave was dug up at the ruins of Al-Shifa hospital where nearly four hundred bodies were exhumed. At the same time, the famine Israel has deliberately engineered continues to spread as both UN aid workers and the EU’s top foreign policy official report there has been “very little significant change” in terms of humanitarian aid coming in and that its entry is still “being hindered” by Israel.

Earlier this week, an Israeli airstrike killed twenty-two people largely from one extended family as they slept, eighteen of them children. Before that, strikes on two homes killed nine people, including six kids, while a man lost his entire family, including his wife, kids, and grandkids, when Israel bombed his family home before that. And before that, five kids were among the eleven Palestinians killed by a spate of attacks on Rafah, meant to be the “safe zone” that 1.5 million displaced Palestinians have been corralled into.

At one point, fifty-four Palestinians were killed over one twenty-four-hour period, the same one in which Yale University had sixty people on its campus arrested because “the situation was no longer safe.” On the same day that the chair of Columbia’s board of trustees declared there was a “moral crisis on our campus” and called the behavior of protesters “unacceptable,” UNICEF’s spokesperson announced that two-thirds of all houses in Gaza have been damaged or destroyed by the Israeli military.

While the war’s cheerleaders and school administrators register their concern over the menace of students camping — or, even more horrifying, of their students being unable to hear chirping birds while listening to John Cage’s four-and-a-half-minute-long silent composition — UN experts last week warned Gaza may be the victim of “scholasticide,” with 80 percent of the territory’s schools damaged or destroyed. All the while, the “apocalyptic” Israeli plans to invade Rafah, in the words of one refugee agency head — and which even the American state department admits it’s not possible to safely evacuate — are set to happen “very soon,” even as Israeli forces continue bombing and shelling the famine-stricken north.

Keeping in mind this small sampling of the death and destruction going on in Gaza right now, any reasonable person might ask: How on Earth is it possible that anyone could be most concerned about some students sitting around in makeshift camps and occasionally saying some impolite or stupid things in American colleges?

To ask the question is to answer it. Over the past six months, Israel’s response to Hamas’s incursion in October has been so disproportionate, indiscriminate, and savage that the war and its backers have not only lost any moral high ground they might have had, they’ve lost the American public as a whole.

With the war now deeply unpopular, and only losing more hearts and minds every day as Americans watch the list of Israeli atrocities pile up and up, its supporters have decided their only recourse is to simply gin up a controversy to draw the media and politicians’ attention away from what has been widely declared a genocide in Gaza, while simultaneously making themselves, the supporters of this crime, out to be the real victims.

This is why we’ve now seen several unseemly, often embarrassing attempts by the war’s supporters to manufacture victimhood at the hands of the nonviolent protesters. Columbia professor Shai Davidai — criticized across the political spectrum for his alarm over watching an Islamic prayer — unsuccessfully tried to force an altercation with the very protesters he said were Nazis who made him fear for his life. One woman filmed herself walking into the middle of an encampment, declaring that she was Jewish and demanding “Doxx me,” only for no one to pay her the slightest attention. Another claimed she had been “stabbed in the eye,” only for video footage to show what had actually happened: a protester waving a Palestinian flag happened to poke her in the eye with the end of a flagstick as he walked past.

And it’s worked. The “stabbed in the eye” story has been uncritically reported far and wide. Outlets like the New York Times and CNN have made the campus protests front-page news, while comparatively burying reporting on the Israeli atrocities mentioned above. The political urgency around conditioning American aid to Israel has evaporated, as politicians instead call for alarming measures like siccing the National Guard on students (while throwing more military aid to Israel to carry out more atrocities).

As tends to happen when authorities respond heavy-handedly to protests, Columbia and others’ arrests of students is already backfiring, bringing them negative publicity and inspiring similar, larger, and more militant protests to spring up in solidarity and outrage. But as the campus standoffs take up more headlines, don’t forget what this is all really about: trying to get us to talk about something, anything, other than the ongoing mass murder in Gaza that the American regime could stop at any moment.


We’re Not SUPPOSED To Be Unaffected By This Sort Of Thing. We’re Not SUPPOSED To Be Able To Find A State Of Psychological Comfort With Genocide.

It’s not natural, and it’s not right. Man-made nightmares unleashed upon the waking earth are SUPPOSED to disturb us.

It’s so very easy to let ourselves become numb to the horrors of what’s being done there day after day and month after month — but it’s so very, very important not to.

It would be so very easy to get overwhelmed and start letting one day of lies and atrocities blend into the next until it becomes this amorphous gray blob on the periphery of our attention. Reports like IDF sniper drones playing the sounds of distressed women and children to lure civilians out into the open and then shooting them, or Israeli officials ridiculously claiming they had no idea that blowing up a consulate building full of Iranian military officers would be seen as an escalation, have been coming out on a daily basis now, and it’s tempting to let yourself become overwhelmed and stop caring as much.

And it isn’t an accident that we are confronted with that temptation every day. Since day one the Israelis have been yanking public consciousness this way and that with astonishing atrocities, ridiculous denialism and high octane narrative spin, backed by the full might of the western empire and its peerlessly powerful propaganda machine. Every day we’re smacked in the face with new horrors, coupled with new statements from the Israeli regime taunting our sense of reality like “Heeheehee, did we do it? Who knows? No, we didn’t! But if we did it was good!” while western officials make vague obfuscatory statements that they need more information about each incident before taking a position and suggesting that the IDF needs to investigate itself to find out what happened. You’ll see them pour tons of energy into indignantly denying the very idea that Israel would ever attack a hospital, only to have them arguing that it’s fine and good for Israel to destroy every hospital in Gaza just weeks later.

This can break you, if you let it. It’s hard for the mind and heart to take such systematic pummeling, especially if you don’t understand that it is being done deliberately with a very specific goal in mind. The more westerners can be psychologically shoved into throwing up their hands and filing Gaza away in our mental “bad things in the world I try not to think about” drawer, the easier it is for Israel and its imperial backers to do the monstrous things they want to do there.

So we do what we can to help keep the reality of what’s happening in Gaza on the surface, not just in terms of the factual truth but the emotional truth of it as well. The horror. The suffering. That empathetic connection to the plight of our fellow human beings that can drive us to act, and to push for real change.

Don’t let these pricks numb you to what’s happening in Gaza. You can see plainly that that’s what they want, and you can see plainly what they’d stand to gain by pushing people into that state of numbness. So don’t give it to them. Ensure that, by the measure of at least one person, they fail toward that endeavor. And do what you can to ensure that they fail with others as well.

We’re not supposed to be unaffected by this sort of thing. We’re not supposed to be able to find a state of psychological comfort with genocide. It’s not natural, and it’s not right. Man-made nightmares unleashed upon the waking earth are supposed to disturb us.

Don’t let them take that away from you. Feelings are meant to be felt. Feel the grief. Feel the outrage. Feel the anger. Feel the pain. Let it come to you and say everything it wants to say to you, like you would with a small child telling you about their fears or their hurts. Write it down, sing it out, paint it, dance it, roar it into a pillow, throw rocks at it into a stream, whatever you can do to bring it into the world in a more tangible form. Let it wash through you, feel it completely until it has had its say, then get up, and keep fighting.

As we work our way into the monumental endeavor of creating a healthy world together, it’s not enough for us to be informed about what’s going on in the world — we’ve also got to have a mature emotional relationship with it. We don’t just need to have conscious minds, we need to have conscious hearts as well. If we don’t have a conscious relationship with our emotions, and if our emotions don’t have a conscious relationship with what’s going on in the world, then how can we hope to steer the world toward health? Caring and compassion are the only useful compass we have to navigate us there.

So shelter your caring from the efforts of the oligarchs to snuff it out, like a precious candle flame on a windy day. Even if we lose the battle in the short term, and even if we lose the war in the long term, at the very least you can deprive these freaks of that one little victory by continuing to care.


Given The Toll From Bombing And Starvation, Gaza Will Soon Become The World’s Largest Unmarked Grave. The American Regime Has To Power To Force Israel To Change Course—But Will It Use It?


The above large orange sign in front of the high-voltage electrified barrier leaves no ambiguity: touch it and die. It sits on a desolate patch of sandy grass in front of a 40-foot-high wall of gray cement, one that extends another 18 feet into the ground and is topped by triple rows of barbed wire, like a crown of thorns. Beyond the electrified fence, the prison walls, and a Kafkaesque assortment of surveillance balloons, armed patrols, tanks, drones, and watchtowers, is the entry point for Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost city.

Today, that entry point, located in Egypt but largely controlled by Israel, has become the gate to Hell: a massive 21st-century concentration camp, crammed with more than a million broken, starved, and ravished humans—babies, children, and pregnant women alongside the sick, elderly, and dying. And one where starving civilians have taken to hunting down stray cats and dogs on the street for food, according to aid agencies who have visited there. In December, the UN projected that the entire population of 2.2 million people in Gaza would face high levels of acute food insecurity by February 2024—“the highest share of people facing this level of food insecurity ever recorded worldwide.”

By late February, with little action taken by the United States or any other country, conditions had deteriorated to the point where, according to the UN, at least 576,000 people in Gaza—one-quarter of the population—were just “one step away from famine.” On February 27th, the death toll in Gaza reached a horrific 30,000, mostly innocent women and children. According to many experts, that was likely a significant undercount, due to the difficulty in locating bodies buried beneath collapsed buildings and other rubble. That same day, UN humanitarian coordinator Ramesh Ramasingham told the Security Council that one in six children under the age of 2 in Gaza are suffering from “acute malnutrition and wasting,” where the body becomes emaciated.

Then, just two days later, on February 29th, the endless starvation and brutal oppression fused into a powerful explosion that left at least 112 people dead and another 760 injured. The precise sequence of events is still bitterly disputed, but it is clear that at some point Palestinians frantic for food swarmed around the rare aid trucks—and that Israeli tanks opened fire. Among those who were there and saw many bodies was Yehia Al Masri, a medical doctor at Al-Shifa Hospital. “We have reached famine and the situation is beyond description,” he said.

The Israeli government is using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare in the Gaza Strip, which is a war crime,” reported Human Rights Watch last December. “Israeli forces are deliberately blocking the delivery of water, food, and fuel, while willfully impeding humanitarian assistance, apparently razing agricultural areas, and depriving the civilian population of objects indispensable to their survival.” It is, said the report, “a policy spurred on or endorsed by high-ranking Israeli officials.” The question is, can Israel be stopped before Gaza becomes the world’s largest unmarked mass grave?

The siege began on October 9th, when—in the aftermath of the Hamas attacks on October 7th—Defense Minister Yoav Gallant publicly announced, “We are fighting human animals.” Therefore, he added, “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed.” Energy Minister Israel Katz issued an order “to immediately cut the water supply to Gaza” while aircraft repeatedly bombed the Rafah gate area, ensuring that no food would enter. Gallant had a well-deserved reputation for wanton violence against the Palestinians of Gaza. An earlier UN investigation found that the military under his command in Gaza carried out a program “designed to punish, humiliate and terrorize a civilian population.”

Soon, more than a million people, at gunpoint and under Israeli threats of death, were forced from their northern towns and villages. “Civilians of Gaza City, evacuate south for your own safety and the safety of your families,” the Israeli military commanded. As many fled on foot with little more than the torn and tattered clothes on their backs, the UN warned that the order would lead to “devastating humanitarian consequences.” Rather than to safety, they were marched into a deathtrap, as Gallant herded his “animals” into Rafah—a small corner of Gaza where day and night the bombs fell, killing hundreds. On the night of February 11th, in the span of just hours, Israel conducted heavy airstrikes on Rafah killing at least 67 people and destroying 14 homes and three mosques. Elsewhere, families, including those waving white flags, have been simply murdered in cold blood where they stood.

Those who managed to survive faced severe starvation, resorting to eating grass and drinking dangerously polluted water as the bombs also deliberately targeted bakeries, food suppliers, and water and filtration facilities. And once the electricity was cut and the fuel supply stopped, there would be no food production. Families are “being forced to forage for scraps of food left by rats and eating leaves out of desperation” Save the Children reported on Sunday. “We’re dying slowly,” Asmaa, a mother of four in Gaza, told a reporter from Haaretz. “I haven’t eaten for two days, and I’m thirsty all the time.… There’s no clean water, no power, no gas and no food. We get up every morning and ask whether we’ll die of hunger or from a bomb.”

By January, UN reports indicated that a quarter of Gaza faced “catastrophic conditions,” the highest level of food insecurity, where there is an “extreme lack of food, starvation and exhaustion of coping capacities.” And by late February, more than 12,500 children had been killed by bombs, starvation, and malnutrition. Sixteen more children have died in the past few days due to malnutrition and dehydration in the Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza. “Now, the child deaths we feared are here and are likely to rapidly increase unless the war ends and obstacles to humanitarian relief are immediately resolved,” said Adele Khodr, the UNICEF director in the Middle East. And Agnes Callamard, the secretary general of Amnesty International, accused Israeli authorities of “engineering famine” in the Gaza Strip. “They knew the likely outcome of their actions but persisted, over weeks and months,” she said.

Hospitals, raided and fired on by Israeli troops, have also largely collapsed. “Infectious diseases are spreading in overcrowded shelters,” said UN relief chief Martin Griffiths. “Famine is around the corner.” And Michael Fakhri, the UN special rapporteur on the right to food, told The Guardian:

Intentionally depriving people of food is clearly a war crime. Israel has announced its intention to destroy the Palestinian people, in whole or in part, simply for being Palestinian. In my view as a UN human rights expert, this is now a situation of genocide. This means the state of Israel in its entirety is culpable and should be held accountable—not just individuals or this government or that person.”

There is no ambiguity when it comes to the use of starvation as an illegal weapon of war. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court declares that intentionally starving civilians by “depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including willfully impeding relief supplies” is a very serious war crime. The Nazis used starvation as a key weapon during World War II. Known as the Hungerplan, it began with the forcible starving of Soviet prisoners of war. “Crowded into vast camps without any shelter, 1.3 million died in the four months after the invasion. About 2.5 million had died this way by the end of the war,” noted Alex de Waal, executive director of the World Peace Foundation at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. Writing in the London Review of Books, de Waal added that “the Hungerplan was a crime comparable in numerical terms to the Final Solution. Indeed, forced starvation was one of the instruments of the Holocaust. Eighty thousand Jews starved to death in the Warsaw Ghetto.”

Facing multiple charges of genocide in the World Court, and now accused of carrying out a forced famine and the systematic starvation of millions of innocent civilians in Gaza, as well as other serious war crimes, Israel must finally be stopped. The first step is to look past the Netanyahu’s government’s constant and cynical use of atrocities committed against Jews in Germany 80 years ago as giving it a license to commit atrocities against Palestinians today.

The world is still captive to its historic guilt towards Israel without understanding that this is over. The era of the Holocaust has ended,” noted Carolina Landsmann, a columnist for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. “The Palestinians are now the wretched of the earth. Not Hamas, no one pities Hamas. Thirty thousand dead Palestinians and the destruction of Gaza are the event.”

The only real solution is for the United States to finally end its unconditional offer of billions, bombs, and backing for Israel and replace those diamond-encrusted carrots with sharp sticks: sanctions, boycotts, and isolation.

But as Israel sinks ever deeper in its bloody quagmire, time is getting very short. A Time magazine analysis last January showed a large and rapid decline in support for Israel around the world, dropping globally by an average of 18.5 percentage points between September and December, and decreasing in 42 out of the 43 countries polled. And from a New York Times/Siena poll the same month, it appears that the younger generation of Americans, a group that will one day occupy Congress and the White House, also want little to do with Israel. It clearly showed far greater empathy with the Palestinians (47 percent) than with Israel (26 percent ). Unless Israel begins to quickly and radically reverse course as South Africa did, the Jewish state is rapidly heading to become a pariah state in the eyes of much of America and the world—if that hasn’t already happened.


Israel Is Committing Genocide, The Western Governments Are Helping Them, But You Are Supposed To Ignore All Of It Because Your Brain And Soul Have Been Shut Down.

Pay no attention to that genocide right in front of your face.”

That’s the constant message we’re getting from the dominant institutions in this present-day dystopia. From our news media. From our political parties. From our government. From our mainstream culture of diversion and superficiality.

Pay no attention to that genocide right in front of your face.”

We can see it happening. It’s right there. And they know we can see it happening. But they’re telling us to ignore it anyway. Pay attention to this other far less urgent news story instead. Pay attention to what a big meany Donald Trump is. Pay attention to Hamas and October 7th 2023. Pay attention to this trend, this TV show, this funny video, this celebrity, this product, this event. Pay attention to anything other than the horror you can see unfolding with your own two eyes right this very moment.

Pay no attention to that genocide right in front of your face.”

And most are obeying this command. Society’s still puttering along like everything’s fine and normal. The shows, events, social engagements and small talk is all still happening in more or less the same way it was happening on October 6th 2023. Attention is going everywhere but to the screaming, hemorrhaging elephant in the room.

Pay no attention to that genocide right in front of your face.”

It’s an insult to our intelligence. It’s an insult to our hearts. It’s an insult to our humanity. They’re sticking their long, rapey fingers into our minds and commanding us to twist and turn our attention in every direction except where it is most urgently needed, and most of us are submitting to their will and doing as they command. We’re putting on a degrading and dehumanizing performance for our rulers to show how far into knots we will contort our minds, our perception and our sense of reality for their convenience.

Pay no attention to that genocide right in front of your face.”

Refusing to obey this command is a daily act of defiance. It’s an act of protest each and every moment we refuse to acquiesce to this demand. In each instant we hold our gaze on Gaza and remind others to do the same, we are defying the orders of our rulers. We are disobeying the instructions from the propaganda machine. We are being directly insubordinate to our politicians and our government, and we are disrespecting the plastic smileyface dystopia they supervise.

Pay no attention to that genocide right in front of your face.”

But some of us are gonna keep paying attention to that genocide, actually, and we are going to keep working to get others to do the same. No matter how much you try to turn our gaze away. No matter how ugly your atrocities become. No matter what names you call us or what accusations you level at us. It’s right there. We can all see it. We refuse to play along with this demented charade. Israel is committing genocide, our western governments are helping them, the sky is blue, a spade’s a spade, and the empire has no clothes and it’s leaders and supporters are going to join the Zionists for all eternity in a VERY warm place.


In Just A Few Hours Israel Committed A Massacre At Al-Shifa Hospital, Struck An Iranian Consulate In Syria Killing Many Ukrainians, And Killed A Vehicle Full Of International Aid Workers.

This murderous regime is out of control.

Israel is so dedicated to protecting civilian life that it’s deliberately gunning down unarmed Palestinians whenever they walk within firing range and then adding them to its “Hamas terrorists killed” tally. Haaretz reports that the IDF has set up “kill zones” in Gaza where they just shoot anything that moves, with an IDF reserve officer saying the number of Hamas members Israel claims to have killed is massively inflated because “In practice, a terrorist is anyone the IDF has killed in the areas in which its forces operate.” Haaretz notes that the three escaped Israeli hostages the IDF gunned down in December had wandered into one of these kill zones.

A Doctors Without Borders physician went on Sky News to talk about Israel’s deliberate destruction of Gaza’s healthcare system, and the Murdoch shill anchor who was interviewing her asked her if Hamas was active in al-Shifa hospital fighting Israelis. The doctor, Tanya Haj-Hassan, told him “I am just shocked that we’re still having this conversation” and went on to describe how Israel’s assault on Gazan healthcare workers is so methodical that Gazan hospital staff have been changing out of their scrubs before leaving work because Israeli troops are picking off anyone in scrubs.

At the beginning of the year it was tweeted, “Gaza is a live laboratory for the military industrial complex. Data is with absolute certainty being collected on all the newer weapons being field-tested on human bodies in Gaza (just like has been happening in Ukraine) to be used to benefit the war machine and arms industry.” Since then we’ve learned that the IDF has been experimenting with new military robots in its Gaza assault, and that Israeli startups are now looking to start exporting new AI-powered war machinery marketed as having been “battle-tested” in Gaza.

Israel is a synthetic, artificially created state. It did not arise organically from the naturally existing conditions of the land and its people; it was unnaturally forced into existence by outside powers. It is more synthetic than meth. It is more synthetic than Pete Buttigieg.

Another one of the extremely stupid things Israel apologists ask us to believe is that Israel was right on the cusp of agreeing to give Palestinians a state before October 7th, but because of October 7th that generous prospect is now off the table.

Rightists who see through the empire propaganda on the Ukraine proxy war but unquestioningly swallow all empire propaganda about Gaza are even dumber than people who’ve swallowed both, because they’re just letting their favorite political faction do their thinking for them.

They’re also dumber because they saw and understood that the mass media churn out propaganda constantly, but still assumed we’re being told the truth about Gaza. They broke out of the propaganda matrix, then jacked their minds right back into it. They’re like someone who pulled his head out of his tush, looked around, and then shoved it right back in.

If only the Democrats who rallied so aggressively against a fictional conspiracy between Trump and Russia could harness that same energy to oppose a real genocide by Biden and Israel.

Just ignore anyone who condemns Israel’s genocidal atrocities in Gaza but still supports Biden. Their Israel-Palestine rhetoric is just for show.