Shit Hitting The Fan

We are clearly coming to the end of the age of empire in this country. And the symptoms of that decline, in the Unhinged, Surveillance State of America, are totally unmistakable.

These include, but are not limited to: a massive wealth disparity between ordinary working people and the elite oligarchs; an absolute, disgusting diminution of freedom of expression; the absolute certainty that whoever is (allegedly) allowed to run this country, are people who have fully vetted by the Deep State, the wealthiest of corporations, and the military industrial complex. These “rulers” have assured them that, whichever party, is in power, they will give these elements of American industry, precisely what they want.

That is why, the result of the simply distracting process of how Americans selecting a President, is that utterly nothing changes, decade after decade: it is because nothing is never meant to change. The objective remains to give to those described above, precisely what they demand from one administration to the next.

The wars continue, and are expanded; the poverty remains; killer chemicals are in our food, from things like weed killers; our system of public education remains an utter train wreck, except for some private/charter schools; and there is an horrific indifference to the necessity of maintaining the Nation’s infrastructure, which means America’s roads, and bridges and public utility systems, continue to crumble.

Horrific storms batter the heartland of America, because of a failure to implement flood control systems to contain and control the runoff; soils have become too wet to plant in many central states. Because of this, food prices could go through through the proverbial roof especially, now that the “Stump” Trump has demanded that Mexico import mass quantities of food from the U.S. to avoid another round of his tariff war.

I turned 70 on my last birthday, and know that I work very hard, to be a quiet, gentle, logic-choosing dissident, and Christian peace activist. I cannot, nor will not, ever advocate violence.

But that being said, in looking at the current state of affairs in this country, the massive 24/7 surveillance we endure; the irrelevance with which we are treated by our alleged representatives; the massive, non-repayable debt with which the US government has chosen to saddle “We the People;” the militarization of American police, and the trajectory of US foreign policy, my sense is that there are one of two ultimate outcomes for such activities by this country; either a complete, Soviet-style collapse, or a world war, which may well decimate it, because Russian and Chinese weaponry has gotten far past what the US military providers are willing to create because of the impact on their profitability.

And the reason for the US military being so far behind the 8-ball, in this situation, is that corporations which provide us with our military hardware and software, contribute mightily to political campaigns, to make sure that their companies will get outrageously lucrative contracts for whatever they provide; therefore, they feel utterly no need to create better weaponry. They can do this because they effectively hold a certain kind of “ownership” of our government. They drive the warmongering empire to increase demand worldwide for their products and they don’t give a “rat’s tush” on the cost in human lives that results.

Folks, now may be a great time for “hunkering down”; making sure that you and those you love, are protected, by having storable food; potable water, and prescriptions that you would need. Start to develop relations with your neighbors, and see who you feel might want to work with you, in terms of bartering goods and services. If you haven’t started prepping, now would be a great time. Keep generators to keep critical things up and running, along with the fuel to keep that generator running.

The bottom line is, you cannot expect any government structures to help you, when “the excrement hits the ventilation system;” you have got to be able to do this for yourself.


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