The Late Madeleine Albright Said, Referring To The Deaths Of 500,000 Iraqi Children From Sanctions Imposed Following The 1991 War That, “The Price, We Think, The Price Is Worth It.”

This same sentiment would no doubt be expressed by the mentally and linguistically flexible allies of Israel – those who market themselves as the champions of the “rules-based international order” regarding the more than 35,000 Palestinians killed over the 7 month old Israeli rampage of Gaza.

The even more distressing news is that the actions committed by Hamas appear to give the Israeli “self-defenders” a blank cheque to commit abuses of human rights against doctors, journalists, patients, aid workers and anyone else who could conceivably be using civilians as human shields.

Beyond that, there exists even footage of Israelis cheering on the recent attack on Rafah!

And there were even Israeli’s caught ransacking aid packages to the civilians in Gaza.

Disregard for the fate of civilians, even children and babies, takes us beyond levels of what people frightened for their families should tolerate – if they are civilized. We have dug deep in the bowels of human experience of those aspects they have difficulty confronting, and have now struck on a foul emerging stream of filth that has a name – racism.

But we are also seeing many students and volunteers, a lot of them Jews, in the United States, Canada, and around the world determined that they can transcend the unbearable burden of our dreadful legacies, both for those of Jewish ancestry and others who attained certain advantages in European and North American (White) countries at the expense of Indigenous people, and Black people, and Asian people. They are planting tents in universities insisting their schools disclose and divest from companies and institutions tied in with Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land. They are actively lobbying governments and boycotting those speaking out in favour of Israel’s “Counter-Offensive.”

And some are even going to take what could be the ultimate risk in getting aid and supplies to Gaza as an act of basic human decency.

It seems there are still some good people in the world. Are you one of them?

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